Love Stories? Get Involved

The Story of Scheherazade

In co-sponsorship with the Utah Valley Symphony, we will be presenting The Story of Scheherazade, narrated by Charlotte Blake Alston on April 30-May 1, 2014. These stories, often called the Thousand and One Arabian Nights, were told by Scheherazade, a fictional princess who told her husband these stories each night in order to prevent herself from being executed. With the soul-stirring music of Rimsky-Korsakov as a setting, this will be a memorable and enriching experience.

Holiday Story Prompts – Do You Remember When?

The holiday season is a time for stories. With traditions, people, and places we love, there are so many memories to be discovered and stories to be shared. Throughout the month we have been posting a story prompt to open a door into your memory. Please feel free to share your comments here, but more importantly, share them with someone you love.

Welcome to the Website!

Welcome! If you are viewing this, welcome to the family of the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival! We have so much to share with you!

It has long been our desire from the beginning to make information about the power of storytelling more widely available. This new website and blog will help us connect across the miles and in our own neighborhoods.

Let us introduce you to the new website!