Love Stories? Get Involved

Alton Chung

Storyteller Alton Chung believes in connecting with others. When he tells a story, he is 100 percent present—not worrying about dinner or laundry or bills. “It is my belief that in our current society, we don’t get much of that kind of focused attention,” he explains. “We are too busy checking our phones or thinking […]

Geraldine Buckley

If you head into a maximum security men’s prison to tell stories, take along your sense of humor, and it’s a top idea to bring along an electric teapot and a variety of teas and sugar! That’s what Geraldine Buckley—one of the storytellers slated to be on the roster at the 32nd annual Timpanogos Storytelling […]

Bil Lepp – Storyteller

If you listen to Bil Lepp long enough, you know he changes tires on planes while they are in the air. He can pick up a bit of conversation and turn it into a tale that wraps itself around the world. And he comes by it naturally. “I come from a long line of people […]