Love Stories? Get Involved

Corinne Stavish Q&A

To listen to Corinne Stavish is to walk with her along the path of carefully curated stories from the boroughs of New York City to her life in the midwest. As a fellow traveller I am reminded of my own journey and the beautiful people who have helped me along the way. Her biblical tales transport me along another path of introspection and growth. Corinne is a gifted performer and teacher, so we are excited that she will be one of our featured tellers at this year’s Timpanogos Storytelling Festival. We asked her if she would share her pathway to story with us.

Our theme this year is “Pathways to Story.” How would you describe your pathway to becoming a storyteller? Was it a road, a back alley, a fast track, or a meandering trail?

My storytelling path was jagged and winding, without a steady course for many years. I had been a double major in Theatre and English in college and was a high school English and Drama teacher in Chicago. I heard my first storyteller in my synagogue in Evanston, IL and realized it was the perfect marriage of my passions. It took a few years to get started, but when I did, the road straightened; the destination became clear.

Could you tell us about someone who has influenced you on this journey as a storyteller?

Robin Goldberg was the storyteller I heard that transformative evening at my synagogue. I attended a couple of her workshops and then began to look for more opportunities to hear storytellers. It took another decade for me to attend my first storytelling festival in Jonesborough, where I lost my breath and speech…temporarily.

What are you passionate about outside of storytelling?

My greatest passion is traveling with my kids. I love to see the world through their eyes and experiences. I’m passionate about theatre and subscribe to a few play series. My fondest trips have been to the Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Ontario and NYC for theatre with my kids.

Where does storytelling go from here? How do you see its influence on society?

Hopefully, storytelling will continue to be a community experience where we share our human similarities and learn about our differences. Storytelling cannot “save the world,” but our stories can add to its grace and wisdom.

What fictional place would you most like to visit? 

I’d like to hang out on a raft with Huck and Jim.


To find your own pathway to story come and be transported with Corinne at the 2018 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival on September 6-8 at the Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah. Tickets are available at

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