Love Stories? Get Involved

Rev. Robert Jones

Robert Jones, also known and ordained the Reverend Robert Jones, was invited to be a
storyteller at the 2020 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, It turned out to be a virtual festival only but he still found it
to be a highlight experience as the storytelling community accepted him without reservation.
(The 2021 festival is both live and virtual.)

“It was wonderful. It’s such a welcoming fraternity,” he said.

He is just one of several storytellers on the circuit who have been or currently serve as

“The two things are connected,” Jones said, “preaching truth and telling meaningful stories.”
He points out that the Bible is actually the ultimate ancient way of telling stories and of
transmitting information.

Jones said society today is so divided that people need stories more than ever.

So he’s intent on telling stories that teach cultural diversity and tolerance.

The really great stories bring us together, he said.

“Tolerance?” That’s something we do when we’re in pain, something that we bear, like a

“Cultural diversity is the story to celebrate. We celebrate the things that enhance your life,” he

Jones started telling traditional African American and American humorous and powerful stories
to go along with his music.

He’s a self-taught blues musician and a longtime DJ.

“People would tell me they enjoyed my stories as much as my music,” Jones said.

He has entertained audiences of all ages in schools, prisons, churches, libraries. and colleges.

He was invited to the National Storytelling Festival. He told stories there and determined right
away, “That’s what I want to be when I grow up!”

This year will be his and his wife’s first visit to Utah.

He’s anxious to be here.

“I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Timpanogos Festival,” he said.

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