Love Stories? Get Involved

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You


We have so many things to be grateful for (no downpour during Laughin’ Night, to name just one) and a great many thanks to hand around. Here are just a few (mixed in with a few pictures of thanks left for us by a few of you).


Thank you to our sponsors! You are so wonderful and great. Thank you for catching the vision and power of storytelling and helping us to spread this message.

 Josh is Cool


Thank you to our food vendors. We love yummy food and you give it to us at a great price. Thank you to our bus, shuttle, and golf cart drivers who get us around safely. And thank you to our potters, puppeteers, and musicians. You make the time between stories so very enjoyable.


Thank you to our fantastic tellers! You let us wine and dine you and then work you nearly to death. You are the best and we feel so constantly amazed at your talents and willingness to share them with us (even in 90 degree heat).

 Thank you for the Stories


Thank you to our wonderful audience! Without you, our tellers would feel pretty darn silly standing up there on stage. Thank you for coming year after year (24 of them) and thank you for bringing your friends and spreading the vision.


Thank you to our amazing volunteers. You are truly amazing! There are not words to express how wonderful you are. We simply would not be able to put on a festival of this magnitude and quality without each one of you.


Donald Davis


And last, but certainly not least, thank you to the City of Orem. To the police, paramedic, parks and recreation, utilities, other unknown contributors, and especially the Orem Public Library we offer our biggest thanks! We think Andy said it best:


“I would like to tip my hat to the city of Orem, herself. How amazing it is that a municipality has the foresight and – dare I say – the gumption to create a city park that can be transformed into a magical canyon of listening, sharing, art and good cheer. (There is even a place for the snakes to feel welcomed.) I know the site has been there a few years now, but heed my council: never take it for granted.” —Andy Offutt Irwin

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